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How to add Video/Audio tags in HTML Coding with example. - Programming info

How to add Video/Audio tags in HTML Coding with example.

Some other tags are require to add video in html

  1. CONTROL________ to start video
  1. LOOP____________ to repeat again and again
  1. AUTOPLAY ______ video play automatically

  1. PRELOAD ______ all attributes of video shows such as volume but not mostly used.which tag are require to add video in html?
  1. MUTED _________ no voice 
  1. SRC _____________ source ,from where file is taken
  1. POSTER _________ thumbnail before to start video.
  1. WIDTH __________ size of video such as "600px"
  1. HEIGHT _________ mostly height tag can not used in videos.

To upload video in any html file or html webpage which tag are used are briefly explain.
lets start practice:

video tag
<video width="400px" controls poster="name of file .extension of file such as jpg or png>
<source src="name of of file such as mp4" type="video/mp4">

We can also add audio in html by using similar tags.

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