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CSS color picker| Value of color property in CSS ? - Programming info

CSS color picker| Value of color property in CSS ?

Color in CSS:

We used color in different ways in html to design the webpages. such as
  1. text color
  2. background color
  3. border color
    CSS color oicker

CSS color picker|

There are four method to pick the color in CSS.
  1. color: solid name such as red;
  2. color: used of color in the hexadecimal such as -----#00ff00;
  3. color: RGB(RED BLUE GREEN) such as ----- 255,000,000
  4. color: RGBA(RED BLUE GREEN ALPHA) -----255,000,000,0.5 .RGBA is used to tell that how many transparency of color we have to take.
But all about this the easiest and simple way for the bigners is the used of the solid color. In solid color you have to enter only the name of color such as red, blue, green, pale yellow and so on.

color: solid name 

In solid name ,we have to enter the name of color as red , blue , green and so on.

 Insert the solid color in CSS SEE EXAMPLE:

<H1 style="color:WHITE; background:RED;">

What is RAM?
<P style="color:BLUE;"> RAM stands for random access memory, and it's one of the most fundamental elements of computing. RAM is a temporary memory bank where your find multiple kind of information.

</p><h1 style="color:WHITE; background:RED;" >What is ROM?</H1>
<P style="color:BLUE;">Read-only memory is a type of non-volatile memory used in computers and other electronic devices. Data stored in ROM cannot be electronically modified after the manufacture of the memory device. Wikipedia</P>

What is RAM?

RAM stands for random access memory, and it's one of the most fundamental elements of computing. RAM is a temporary memory bank where your find multiple kind of information.

What is ROM?

Read-only memory is a type of non-volatile memory used in computers and other electronic devices. Data stored in ROM cannot be electronically modified after the manufacture of the memory device. Wikipedia.

This is the most easiest way of color picker in CSS. Hexadecimal and RGB is also easy for the professional CSS COLOR PICKERS.

Color: used of color in the hexadecimal:

Hexadecimal code for the color is difficult to remember in your memory so that the easiest way is to get the hexadecimal colors online by google chrome to search the hexadecimal color picker.Different types of color you get in that ways.

The color which you want to select ,move your curser and give right click to select that image. After this you see below the code of color in hexadecimal .Now, select that color and goes to copy the code of hexadecimal and then paste this code of color in your CSS coding. Let's see an example of the hexadecimal color picker in CSS coding.
<H1 style="color:#f2ebeb; background:#f70505;">

What is CSS?
<P style="color:#f70505;"> 

  • CSS  stands for Cascading Style Sheet.
  • CSS is a markup language used to create style and customize html elements avaible in web page.
  • We can easily run the coding of html without CSS coding. But we cannot run CSS coding
  •  without understanding the html coding

</p><h1 style="color:#f2ebeb; background:#f70505;" >What is the benefits of CSS?</H1>

<P style="color:#f70505;">
CSS language is time saving language. In less code and less time, we can do our work easily and imediatetly. We not have to enter all small small coding of html by CSS.
as discuss above that CSS has the small coding. When it has small coding then it also covered the less page size. So that less time is require to run our website as it has less load due to less page size.
as we know that css and html is used to design webpages. thus we can easily design our webpages and give them better look.

as discuss above ,we have less page size and less coding. then the result we get is better and easily loaded.

CSS coding is easy to learn and implement same as html to design the web pages.
   The result you will get is in that ways.
use of object tag in html.

What is CSS?

RAM stands for random access memory, and it's one of the most fundamental elements of computing. RAM is a temporary memory bank where your find multiple kind of information.

What is the benefits of CSS?

CSS language is time saving language. In less code and less time, we can do our work easily and imediatetly. We not have to enter all small small coding of html by CSS.
as discuss above that CSS has the small coding. When it has small coding then it also covered the less page size. So that less time is require to run our website as it has less load due to less page size.
as we know that css and html is used to design webpages. thus we can easily design our webpages and give them better look.

as discuss above ,we have less page size and less coding. then the result we get is better and easily loaded.

CSS coding is easy to learn and implement same as html to design the web pages.

Color: used of RGB color;

Same as hexadecimal color picker in the CSS coding, we can easily used the rgb color code in CSS coding. First, we search the rgb color picker in google and then copy any rgb color code which we want . Now, paste these color in the CSS coding post of website.

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